Jul 3, 2009
May 10, 2009
Madhav madhukkar
Made this photograph using canon 450D and 50mm 1.8 lens in very low light. later processed the image in preview software[Mac] to get this black and white output.
May 2, 2009
Pelican's@Nalapet bird sanctuary
Nalapet bird sanctuary situated near pulicat lake 120 km drive from chennai. if you want to make good photograph's of pelican this the right place. extremely alluring and natural environment makes this place a paradise for bird watchers and photographers.
Prabhu Ramakrishnan
May 1, 2009
The Wine Bottle opener
i bought this wine bottle opener at Singapore shop, vadapalani. i was searching for this kinda opener for one full day and finally got it there. it looked very beautiful its a box set with one opener and two other things which used to fit in wine bottle. only once i used this opener i have kept it safely in office:)
Prabhu Ramakrishnan